Sihgah and Mukhalif

Program Timeline

(Avaz) (00:00:00 - 00:04:09)

Musicians: Abu’l-Hasan Saba
Instrument: Violin
Modal system: Sihgah
Gender: Male
Poet of Poem Sung - (Avaz Poet): Nizam Vafa
Song Title: Sihgah
First hemstitch of the poem sung (avaz): Ay khusha ‘ashiq-i u masti u bi-parva-i
Singer of the Avaz: Riza Quli Mirza Zili



(Avaz) (00:04:10 - 00:08:14)

Musicians: Abu’l-Hasan Saba
Instrument: Violin
Gender: Male
Poet of Poem Sung - (Avaz Poet): Nizam Vafa
First hemstitch of the poem sung (avaz): Shustam az ashk u zi khun rang u jalla-yash dadam
Song Title: Mukhalif
Singer of the Avaz: Riza Quli Mirza Zili
Melodic segment: Mukhalif Sihgah