Azada (Bushsri)


Bushra, Azada, daughter of Mahmud (b. 1923), a poetess with the nom de plume Bushra. She was born in Babul and began her formal education in her hometown, but had to leave in incomplete after her marriage. She was a liberal minded poet of poetical vigor whose poetry appeared at times in periodicals. She proved her talent and vigor in composing different genres of poetry. The following couplets are by her:

I am that lover in perplexity whose heart has been burned

I am the one who has raised flames by her soul;

I am the moth in love and perplexity who is at all times;

in perplexity gazing at the face of the candle

 I am that distraught nightingale that treading the path of the beloved

has amassed nothing but sighs and sorrows

I am the one who uproots the soul like Farhad who

taught lovers the etiquette of losing one’s life [for the beloved]

I am the insane, distraught, and sorrowful lover

Bushra has burned her body and soul in sorrow.

Farhang-i Sukhanvaran-i Nami-yi Mu’asir (1/ 523-525).