

Parvanih Isfahani, Mahmud (d. 1946), a poet with noms de plume Avarih and Parvanih. Late in life, he ran school at the Mosque of Shah ‘Ali’s Hammam (public bath). He was one of the poets who only composed poetry for the Shi’aite Imams. He was buried at the Sayyid al-‘Iraqayn Tekyeh, in Takht-i Fulad Cemetry. His 18 volumes of elegiac poetry contains about 30,000 couplets.

Asar-afarinan (2,/119).


Muhammad ‘Ali Mujahidi, Parvana (b. 1943), a poet born in Qum bearing the title Shams al-Din and the nom de plume Parvana. His father, Ayatullah Mirza Muhammad Mujahidi departed Tabriz for Qum where he settled and taught at seminaries. His grandfather, Hajj Mirza ‘Ali Akbar Mujahid, was a distinguished religious scholar and one of the forerunners of constitutional movement in Azerbaijan. Having received his primary and secondary education in his hometown, Mujahidi taught for 20 years and later obtained his BA in law and served as a solicitor. Having composed poetry in his high school days, he attended the sessions held by the Literary Association of Qum and has been the director of the Muhit Literary Association of Qum. Besides his contributions to newspapers and weeklies, he has published books and edited divans of poetry. His works include: Tadhkira-yi Sukhanwaran-i Qum (2 vols.); edition of the Divan of Shara (son of Azar Bigdili), under the title of Faghan-i Dil; edition of Ganjinat al-Asrar of ‘Umman-i Samani; Divan of Wahdat Kirmanshahi; Kiwan of Ayatullah Kumpani, with the nom de plume Muftaqir; Khushaha-yi Tala’i (collection of poetry on the eulogies and nobilities of the Imam of the Age; Dar Mahfil-i Ruhaniyan (a biographical work on the Shi’i religious scholars and mystics); a collection of poetry entitled Sayri dar Malakut; Yik Qatra az Darya (on the nobilities and elegies of Imam ‘Ali); Lalaha wa Dagh-ha (on the nobility and eulogies of the Imams buried at the Baqi’ Cemetery); ‘A’ina’i Shikast (containing elegies to Hazrat Fatima); Gulbang-i Tawhid.

Sukhanwaran-i Nami-yi Mu’asir (2/ 765-771).