Tasali Shirazi


Tasalla-yi Shirazi, Aqa Rajab 'Ali (fl. 19th century), an illuminator and poet from Shiraz, a master of illumination of miniatures and manuscripts, as well as being a skillful draughtsman. His home was a salon for belletrists and wits. As a sometime poet, he has left a divan.

Majma' al-fusaha' (4, 184).


Tamanna Shirazi, Mirza Abu al-Hasan Dastghayb (d. 1706), son of Mirza Ja’far, a poet with the noms de plume Tasalla and Tamanna. He studied with Abu al-Wali in Shiraz for a while, and then he departed for Isfahan. He was a poet under the Safavid Shah Sulayman and Shah Sultan Husayn. His Divan approximately runs to 10,000 couplets.


Asar-afarinan (2/ 160).