Dihqan Samani


Dihqan Samani, Abu al-Fath Khan (1849/1851-1908), son of Babakhan. A belletrist and poet with the nom de plume Dihqan. He was born in the village of Saman, Chahar Mahal Bakhtiyari. He studied literary and religious sciences with Mulla Muhammad Kashi and Shaykh Hasan Shirazi at the Sadr School, Isfahan. His works include: a translation in verse of Hazar Dastan; Alf Layla wa Layl, versified at the suggestion of Sulayman Khan Shirazi and Shaykh Muhammad Husayn Khwansari; Shikkaristan, which is his Divan, consisting of his poetical compositions in diverse Persian genres of poetry; Bustan-nama, in the meter of mutaqarib on the accounts of prophets David and Solomon. He died at the age of 61 and was buried in Aywan-i Kayf-i Darband, in Saman, where he had cpmposed his poetical compositions.

Asar-afarinan (3/ 51-52); Farhang-i Sukhanvaran (343-344).