Riza Quli Khan Mirza


Nayyir al-Mulk Hidayat, Riza Quli Khan (1870 or 1871-1945), son of Ja’far Quli Khan. Translator and university professor bearing the title Nayyir al-Mulk. He was born in Tehran. Having received his preliminary education, he studied at Dar al-Funun. He had mastery of English and French. Having completed his studies, he taught at Dar al-Funun and after a while was appointed the vice chancellor and supervisor of Dar al-Funun. He was awarded a medal for his cultural activities under Muzaffar al-Din Shah. He later served as the undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, Endowments, and Fine Arts under Ahmad Shah and was appointed the Minister at the cabinet of Sayyid Ziya’ al-Din Tabataba’i. He became an honorary member of the French Academy of Sciences in 1909 and was awarded the Legion d’honneur. He died in Tehran. His works include the translations of Parwarish-i Ruh wa Jism wa Akhlaq and Siyahatnama-yi Stanley bih Afriqa.

Asar-afarinan (6/ 82).