Salik Yazdi


Salik Yazdi, Mulla Salik Yazdi (fl. 17th century), a poet hailing from Shiraz. He was a weaver in his hometown for a while. Then, he departed for Isfahan and later to India where he attached himself to the court of ‘Abd Allah ibn Qutb Shah. After a while, he went to Shah Jahanabad, where he was patronized by his follow citizen, Danishmand Khan. Mulla Shafi’a Yazdi, a scholar in Persia, had departed for India under Shah Jahan in 1650 and had been well received by the king and awarded the title Danishmand Khan. He was promoted to the office of Bakhshigari and Panhazari under Awrangzib. He died in 1670. Mulla Salik was introduced to Shah Jahan at the latter’s thirtieth year of reign by Danishmand Khan. He became and companion of the king and resided in Shah Jahanabad till his last days. His divan is not extant, though some of his poetical compositions have been recorded in biographical works and poetical miscellanies. He was a student of Hakim Rukna Masih Kashani. Salik’s works include his divan of poetry and his mathnavi Khusraw u Shirin.

Asar-afarinan (3/ 194); Tarikh-i Adabiyyat dar Iran (5/ 1209-1211); Farhang-i Sukhanvaran (431). 


Salik Yazdi, Salik al-Din Muhammad ibn Najm al-Din Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Muwaffaq (b. 1443), a Sufi and poet with nom de plume Salik. His works include Kanz al-Salikin, a collection of transmission and teaching licenses issued by many a scholar; and his divan of poetical compositions.

Asar-afarinan (3/ 194).