Saman Bakhtiyari


Samani Shirazi, Mirza Muhammad Hasan (1840-1868/1869), son of Mirza Habib Allah Qa’ani. A poet with the nom de plume Samani. Born in Shiraz, he received his education in his hometown and learned French from his father. Having lost his father, he went to Tehran and at the suggestion of Mirza Aqa Khan Nuri, the then chancellor, studied mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy at Dar al-Funun. He had a retentive memory and a sharp mind and embarked upon his poetical career early in life. He attended poetical events held on the occasion of feasts and further events and recited his poetry. He died in his prime of life. His divan is extant.


Danishmandan va Sukhansarayan-i Fars (3/ 40-47).