Sakha-yi Lari


Sakha Lari, Mirza Zahid ‘Ali (d. 1733), son of Mirza Sa’d al-Din, a poet with the nom de plume Sakha. He associated with Hazin Lahiji. He was appointed the governor of Lar and the ports of the Fars Province in turbulent times and waged battles against Afghans for a long time and finally suffered defeat and was imprisoned in Isfahan. He departed for India under the Qajar Muhammad Shah and was appointed to the highest office of the Mughal emperor’s companionship. He was poisoned in India by his adversars and was buried at the tomb of Burhan al-Mulk Bahadur, in Shah Jahanabad. The following couplets are by him:

My eyes made me ashamed by their favors on the eve of separation from thee,

As they shed many a jewels of tears on my lap.

I recounted the account of the eve of separation to the candle,

As it burnt to the extent that is was ashamed of my account.

Danishmandan va Sukhansarayan-i Fars (3/ 63-64).