Suhayli Khwansari


Suhiyli Khansari, Ahmad (1911-1994), son of Ghulam Riza Khan. A bibliographer, calligrapher, and poet born in Tehran. His grandfather and paternal uncle were poets of renown in Khansar. Having completed his education, he embarked upon his scholarly and cultural activities, conducting research on Persian poetry and literary texts. He served as the director of the Malik Library for four years. He composed poetry in his youth and attended literary and scholarly circles and served as members of the Hakim Nizami Literary Society and Iranian Academy Society. However, he was never ostentatious in poetical compositions. A mastery of calligraphy, he had learned the Nasta’liq from Master Zarrin Khatt, and the Naskhi and Thulth from Amir al-Kuttab. He studied miniature painting and drawing from artists like ‘Ali Durudi, Mirza Hadi Khan Tajwidi, and Husayn Altafi, bibliography with his grandfather, Mirza Mahmud Kitabfurush (‘Bookseller’) Khansari, an authority in that filed, and Majd al-Din Nasiri Amini. He was an a distinguished bibliographer, antiquarian, calligrapher, and painter. His works include: Hisar-i Nay, a biographical account of Mas’ud Sa’d Salman; Nama-yi Suratgaran; Tabaqat al-Khattatin; Kamal-i Hunar, on the biographical account and works of Kamal al-Mulk; annotated editions of Adab al-Harb wa ‘l-Shaja’a by Malikshah; Supplement (Dhayl) to ‘Alamara-yi ‘Abbasi; the Divans by Hafiz; Baba Faghani; Khaju-yi Kirmani; Khusrawnama by ‘Attar; Shahnama-yi Nadiri; the Divan of Safa-yi Isfahani; Gulistan-i Hunar by Qazi Mir Ahmad Munshi Qumi; Sifarat-i Farangistan by Amir Nizam Garrusi.


Asar-afarinan (3/ 166); Sukhanvaran-i Nami-yi Mu’asir (3/ 1844-1848).