‘Ibrat Na’ini


‘Ibrat Na’ini, Mirza Muhammad ‘Ali Musahibi (1831-1903), son of ‘Abd al-Khaliq. A poet with the nom de plume ‘Ibrat, bearing the appellation ‘Arif’ali. Born in Na’in, he studied grammar under Shaykh Muhammad A’ma and logic, philosophy, and literary disciplines under Mulla Muhammad Kashi. He studied calligraphy under a relative and became a calligrapher of renown in his time. He was a mystical and clairvoyant poet who spent 17 years of his life in journeys to different regions in Persia and joined audience with Sufi masters. Then, he returned to his hometown and lived in destitution, living on copying books. Later, he settled in Tehran till his last days. He died on 8 January and was laid to rest in Ibn Babavayh (Ibn Babvay). He made vigorous compositions in different poetical genres, though he was mainly inclined towards composing ghazals. His poetry is tinged by mystical themes. His works include his Divan of poetry, selection of which appeared in Tehran in 1934, and Madinat al-Adab, also known as Nama-yi Farhangiyan, including the biographical accounts of 35 contemporary poets. His ghazals have been published several times.

Asar-afarinan (4, 167); Sukhanvaran-i Nami-yi Mu’asir-i Iran (4, 2478-2484)