‘Ali Ashtari (Farhad)


Ashtari, 'Ali (Farhad), son of Mirza Ahmad Khan Ashtari (1922-1961). He was born in Tehran and received his schooling there. Then he found an employment at the electricity department. He published a collection of his poetry, entitled Sitara-yi Sahari ("Dawn Star") in 1944, and became a member of the "Literary  Academy"(Anjuman adabi farhangistan)in 1946. He died at the age of 39 in January 1961. 'Ali Ashtari, whose nom de plume was Farhad, was a gifted poet who wrote quite elegant poetry, though he was more inclined toward composing ghazals. He fell in love and his poetry abounds in epressions of the vicissitudes of passionate as well as unrequited  love.

Sukhanvaran-i Nami-yi Mu'asir-i Iran (4, 2701-2706)