‘Ali Sadarat (Nasim)


Nasim Ardakani, ‘Ali Sidarat (1907-2007), son of Shaykh Muhammad Mujtahid. A jurist and poet with the nom de plume Nasim. He was born in Ardakan, Yazd. Having received his primary and secondary education in his hometown and Isfahan, he furthered his studies in Tehran and obtained his BA and PhD in law. He found employment at the Justice Administration in 1937. He served as the director of the Justice Administration in the province  of Kermanshahan. In addition to his successful juridical career, he had mastery in composing poetry in the Khurasani style. His works include his Divan of poetry some of which appeared under the title Tarana-ha-yi Nasim. The following lines are by him:

Life is gone, as if it were a dream,

The past was suffering, the future a mirage.

Life was dark like a night,

In which the rays of love and youth were like moonlight.

O Nasim! The days of youth resembled

A bubble on water.

Asar-afarinan (6/ 38); Sukhanvaran (6/ 3631-3638).