‘Ali Naqi Kamarihi


Kamara’i Farahani, ‘Izz al-Din, Zayn al-Din Shaykh ‘Alinaqi ibn Shaykh Abu al-‘Ala’ Muhammad Hashim Tugha’i (1650). An Imami scholar, jurisprudent, theologian, and hadith transmitter who had studied under Sayyid Majid Bahrani and a number of other scholars from Shiraz. He served as a judge in Shiraz under Shah Safi, hence his appellation Shirazi. he was appointed the Shaykh al-Islam (Chief of the Religious Scholars) in Isfahan under Shah ‘Abbas II, hence his appellation Isfahani. A contemporary of Mir Damad, Shaykh Baha’i, and Mulla Muhsin Fayz Kashani, he was well-versed in jurisprudence, Qur’anic exegesis, and belles-lettres. He died in Isfahan and was laid to rest at the Tikiyya of Aqa Razi Shirazi. His works include Masar al-Shi’a, a refutation on a verdict issued by Nuh Afandi Hanafi, the mufti of Asia Minor who had excommunicated the Shi’is and had regarded it lawful to kill them and enslave their women and children; al-Maqasid al-‘Aliya fi ‘l-Hikmat al-Yamaniyya, on theology and philosophy, comprising a number of Maqsads, the ninth of which was independently authored under the title Huduth al-‘Alam (Genesis of the World); Manasik al-Hajj; Himam al-Thawaqib; Hurmat-i Dukhaniyyat, a treatise sanctioning the consumption of tobacco; Namaz-i Juma’a dar Zaman-i Ghaybat.

Asar-afarinan (5/ 58-59).