Ghubar Hamadani


Ghubar Hamadani, Sayyid Husayn Razawi (1848 or 1853-1913), son of Sayyid Riza. A poet with nom de plume Ghubar, hailing from the family of Hajj Sayyid Sadiq, the leader of Friday prayers at Hamadan and from the Kababi Sayyids of that region. Having been born in Hamadan, he learned Arabic and literary disciplines in his hometown and showed his unique talents and prowess in his studies and became a teacher and literary figure of renown in his hometown. He trod the path of the mystics for a while and spent his life in spiritual wayfaring. His divan of poetry, not exceeding 1,000 couplets, has been repeatedly published in Hamadan, Isfahan, and Tehran. He died in Hamadan and was laid to rest in the holy shrine of Hazrat Ma’suma in Qum. 

Buzurgan va Sukhansarayan-i Hamadan (2, 166-178).