Ghumam Hamadani


Ghumam Hamadani, Sayyid Muhammad Yusufzada (1874-1941), son of Sayyid Yusuf. A journalist and poet with the nom de plume Ghumam. Born in Najaf, he studied there to the age of 13. Then, he settled in Hamadan where he studied Persian and Arabic literature and jurisprudence. Having worked as a merchant for a while, he found a governmental employment, but joined freedom seekers in the wake of the constitutional movement, established the Unity Society (Anjuman-i Ittihad) and published a newspaper, the Ittihad wa Ulfat. Mainly inspired by Sa’di and Hafiz, Ghumam had particular vigor in composing ghazals. Besides his recognition as a poet, he was intelligent and of a mystical turn who had numerous disciples. He died in Tehran and was laid to rest in the family tomb adjacent to the Shrine of Shahzada Husayn in Hamadan. His works include his divan of poetry, published with an introduction by Musa Nathri. 

Gulzar-i Ma’ani (495-498).