Bahaman Farrukhi


Bahman Farrukhi, Abu al-Ma’ali. Having graduated from the Teachers’ College, he taught in Kuchisfahan from 1954 where he also served as the school principal for a while. His lyrical taranas were depictions of Gilan. Together with Mas’udi and Amani, they performed beautiful lyrics, like Banafshih Gul (Pansy), Shab-i Mahtab (Moonlit Night), Ti Gul Gul Pirhan (Your Flowered Dress), Biya’id Yaran (Come Friends!; they were performed by Mas’udi), Tung-i Tala (Gold Pitcher; performed with Pur-reza), Ranj-i Hasi (Agony of Being; performed with Gulchin), Afsungar (Witch; performed with Mansur Fani), Vaqti Gilan Dinum Yar Yar (When I see Gilan, O love! O love!; performed by Shams and Mas’udi).