Qudsi Mashadi


Qudsi Mashhadi Haji Muhammad Jan (1646), a poet with the nom de plume Qudsi born in Tehran. He was a poet of great renown in Persian speaking lands, composings in the genres of qasida, mathnawi, ghazal, and quatrain. He went on pilgrimage to Mecca in his youth. He was fifty years of age when he traveled to India under Shah Jahan and was warmly welcomed and highly respect by the king and was appointed the poet laureate. He reportedly died in Lahore or Kashmir. According to some reports, he was laid to rest in the Poet’s Cemetery in Kashmir. According to some books on the biographical accounts of poets, his body was transported to Mashhad for burial. His works include the poetical composition Zafarnama-yi Shahjahani, devoted to the king’s conquests, though it remained incomplete at the time of his death and was completed posthumously by Kalim Kashani; a mathnawi entitled Wasf-i Kashmir; a Saqinama in the mutaqarib meter; a mathnawi depicting the Garden of Akbarabad; a short mathnawi which is a eulogy to Shah Jahan.

Asar-afarinan (4/ 343); Farhang-i Sukhanwaran (741).