Qaydi Shirazi


Qiydi Shirazi, Mulla Qiydi (1582/1584), a Sunni poet from Shiraz. He was known as a poet following the Wuqu’ school of poetry. He mentioned by some biographers as Miyli Farsi. A master of different poetical disciplines, he associated with Mawlana ‘Urfi, Ghiyrati, and Qudrati and was a student of Mulla Ghiyrati. He departed for Qazwin under Shah Isma’il II and propagated his religious beliefs, but after Shah Isma’il’s death returned to Shiraz in 1579 and traveled to Mecca. Then, he traveled to India under Akbar Shah and stayed there for a while, but his uncouth speech led to his dismissal from the court. He went to Fathpur where he died.

Danishmandan wa Sukhansarayan-i Fars (4/ 223-226).