Kazim Rajavi (Izad)


Izad, Rajavi Diylamgani, Kazim (b. 1917), son of 'Abbas'ali, a scholar and poet whose nom de plume was Izad ("god"). He was born at Diylamgan, a district in Western Azerbaijan. Having received his primary and secondary schooling in Tabriz, he departed for Tehran and furthered his studies at the Teachers' Training College whence he obtained his BA in literature, philosophy, and education. He served at the Ministry of Culture (Ministry of Education) as a high school teacher, dean of the Boys' Teachers' Training College, inspector and teacher of senior citizens, technical inspector, and ministry inspector. His works include: Qawa'id-i Lugaritm ("Formulae of Algorithm"); Khirad-pazhuhi ("Searching Wisdom"); Zindigi va Falsafih-yi Farabi ("Life and Philosophy of Farabi"); Wirasat-i Ruhani ("Spiritual Inheritance"); Namih-yi Piruzi ("Epistle of Triumph"); Tarikh va Jughrafiya-yi Salmas va Tarikhchih-yi Adabi-yi An ("History and Geography of Salmas and Its Literary History"); Ravish-i Nigarish ("Manual of Writing"); Parvarish-i Khanivadigi ("Family Upbringing"); Ruzigar-i Khunin ("Sanguinary Times"). He is skillful in versification of all genres of poetry. His collection of poetry, entitled Badih-yi Kuhan ("Old Wine"), appeared in 1945. He traveled to Europe for medical treatment in 1950 and his poems versified on that journey were published in a book. 

Asar-afrinan (3, 93); Chahar-sad Sha'ir-i Barguzidih-yi Parsi-saray (802); Sukhanvaran-i Nami-yi Mu'asir (1, 428-434).