

Rahimi, Muhammad (b. 1933), son of Ghulam Husayn. A poet with the nom de plume Gulbun, hailing from the village of Kihbaz, Ardistan. His father was Asad al-Saltana Na’ini’s agent who had departed Na’in to serve as the headman of a village, Allahabad, in the vicinity of Kihbaz, Ardistan. Gulbun received his primary education in his hometown at the school of ‘Abbas Shamsa’i, studying with Muhammad Husayn Fa’iq. He departed for Tehran in 1950, found employment at a private company, and furthered his studies. He attended the sessions held by Tehran Literary Society from 1956 on. He was keenly interested in studying and conducting research. He contributed articles of historical and literary nature to the Yaghma, the Rahnama-yi Kitab, and the Barrasiha-yi Tarikhi. His works include edition of Safarnama-yi Abu ‘l-Hasan Khan Shirazi (Ilchi); publication of Malik al-Shu’ara’ Bahar’s Firdawsinama; Saghar-i Aftab; publication of Bahar’s translations from the Pahlavi language; Sharh-i Zindigani-yi ‘Abbas Mirza Na’ib al-Saltana; Bahar wa Adab-i Farsi. Besides his poetical vigor, he had a retentive memory and recited numerous poetical compositions by other poets when the occasions arise.

Sukhanvaran-i Nami-yi Mu’asir-i Iran (3/ 3045-3048). 


Gulbun Kaziruni, Hajj Kazim, Muhammad Kazim (b. 1844), a mystic and poet with the nom de plume Gulbun. Born in Kazirun, he departed his hometown at the age of 14 traveling in many regions of Persian, India, Iraq, Syria, and Hijaz, joining audiences of distinguished mystics until he became a fully-fledged mystic. He traveled to Kazirun to meet Baba Khan, the governor of Fars (later Fath’ali Shah), and was well-received by him. Upon his return to Kazirun, he led the life a recluse and engaged himself in composing poetry till his last days. His works include Gulshan-i Asrar, a mystical work containing anecdotes, composed in 1844 in 3630 couplets on the model of Rumi’s mathnawi, interspersed with materials in prose; Yusr al-Nas, composed on the model of Rumi’s mathnawi; ghazals (2 vols); qasidas and elegies to the Infallible Imams.

Asar-afarinan (5/ 76).