Mu’ayyid Sabiti


Mu’ayyid Sabiti Mashhadi, Sayyid ‘Ali (b. 1902), son of Sayyid Hasan, Sayyid Husayn. Editor, writer, and poet with the nom de plume Mu’ayyad. Born in Mashhad, he received educaation in his hometown. His father was from the tribe of Al Sabit, a notable figure from Iraq who departed for Persia and was appointed Supervisor of the Astan-i Quds-i Razawi by the Qajar Nasir al-Din Shah. He studied literary disciplines in his hometown from distinguished teachers in that city. He represented Khurasan five times at the Consultative Assembly and also represented Khurasan at the Senate. He mainly composed qasidas and ghazals on the models of Turkestani and ‘Iraqi poets. He contributed his poetical compositions to most of the periodicals of the time. Further, he wrote in a fluent prose style. His works include: Tarikh-i Nishabur; editing Imam Muhammad al-Ghazali al-Tusi’s Faza’il al-Anam min Rasa’il Hujjat al-Islam; editing the diwan of Humam Tabrizi; his divan of poetry.

Asar-afarinan (5/ 313-314); Sukhanwaran-i Nami-yi Mu’asir-i Iran (5/ 3423-3427).