Majmar Zavara'i (Isfahani)


Majmar Zawara’i, Majmar Isfahani, Sayyid Hasan Tabataba’i Ardistani (1776-1810/1811), son of Sayyid ‘Ali. A poet bearing the title Mujtahid al-Shu’ara’, a Tabataba’i Sayyid of Ardistan, and a descendant of Mirza Rafi’a Na’ini. Born in Isfahan, he received his education in his hometown and departed for Isfahan to further his studies. He attended the sessions held by the Nashat Association and after a while accompanied Mu’tamid al-Dawla Mirza ‘Abd al-Wahhab Nashat, Munshi al-Mamalik, to Tehran and then traveled to Azerbaijan and Erevan and was introduced by Nashat to the Qajar Fath’ali Shah and became the Shah’s companion, though he was still patronized by Mu’tamid al-Dawla. After the death of Mir Sayyid Muhammad Sahab Isfahani, the son of Hatif, Majmar was appointed by the Shah as the Mujtahid al-Shu’ara’. He was also a companion of Hasan’ali Mirza, Fath’ali Shah’s son, and received rewards from the father and the son. He died at the age of 35 in Tehran and was laid to rest in Qum. His qasidas, ghazals, tarkib-bands, and satires are extant. His poems, mainly composed in the form of qasida, were modeled on Khaqani and Anwari. His works include a mathnawi composed on the model of Tuhfat al-‘Iraqayn by Khaqani, prose pieces on the model of Sa’id’s Gulistan, and divan of poetry.

Asar-afarinan (5/ 137); Az Saba ta Nima (1/ 37-39).