Vaqif Hindi


Vaqif Lahuri, Shaykh Nur al-‘Ayn, son of Qazi Amanat Allah. A poet flourishing in the eighteenth century originally from the district of Tubala, Lahore. Having received his education, he took up the composition of poetry. Vaqif and Shah ‘Abd al-Hakim Hakim were like minded companions who traveled from Punjab to Deccan and went to Aurangabad. Hakim proceeded towards Mecca and Medina, but Vaqif did not accompany him owing to his failing health. Upon the return of Hakim, they reached Aurangabad and departed for India. Having traveled to different regions, Vaqif did in 1780. The following lines are by him:

Why did you make such heart-broken fellow weep as I am?

You led a prosperous world into ruins by the torrents [of my tears].

My sorrows made the house of love flourish,

The light of my burnt heart finally illumined a house.

When he saw that I was steadfast faring the road to insanity,

He will not unfetter my feet for a moment.


Lughatnama-yi Dihkhuda (15/ 23093).