Nasir Mas‘udi


Nasir Mas’udi (b. 1945), a vocalist performing classical Persian lyrics. His family members had a good voice and he self taught. He moved to Tehran in 1949, he studied music under ‘Ali Akar Shahnazi and Muhammad Bahraynipur. Having returned to his homeland, Gilan, in 1955, he sung for different orchetras and theatrical troups and achieved fame as a talented vocalist performing regional and urban classical lyrics. He was introduced to Davud Pirniya by Ahmad ‘Ibadi in 1960. He on the Golha programs as one of the earliest of bilingual (Persian-Gilaki) vocalists. He received the required training from Ahmad ‘Ibadi in order to achieve fame as a vocalist. He performed numerous Persian-Gilaki lyrics in the Gulha the best of which he performed with Ahmad ‘Ibadi and Riza Varzanda. He is the first regional vocalist to have performed Persian symphonic music accompanied by a modern orchestra conducted by Murtaza Hannana. His unique powerful and velvet voice gained him popularity and an artistic character for half a decade, presenting him as a vocalist with his particular values. Had he been able to perform classical compositions made by further outstanding maestros like Tajvidi, Mahjubi, and Khaliqi, he could have gained further fame on the Golha programs. His works include the cassette Hala Titi, arranged by Murtaza Hannana (Tehran, Mahur 1997); gramophone disc, Avaz-i Shur, accompanied by the sitar of ‘Ibadi (Tehran, Royal 1967).