Ibrahim Mansuri


Mansuri, Ibrahim (1897-1970)

Violinist, composer, and compiler of the works of Persian classical music. He was a student of Husayn Khan Isma'ilzadih (d. 1941), a great master of Kamanchih in the Qajar period. He also studied with other great masters of the time, Darvish Khan, Aqa Husaynquli, and Haji Khan 'Ayn'l-dawlah, well-known as Zarbgir. He was the earliest musician who notated the repertoires and compositions of Persian classical music in the Qajar period. Despite the difficulties in the process of notation, his contributions preserved them from their being consigned to oblivion. Besides his short term office as the director of the music department of Radio Tehran, he served as the advisor to the Gulha from the establishment of the program and presented a number of the early tasnifs composed by 'Arif, Shiyda, Darvish Khan, and Haji Khan 'Ayn'l-dawlah, which were performed by the Gulha orchestra accompanied by Marziya on vocals. He was not able to collaborate with the Gulha from early 1960 on, owing to his advanced years and following the retirement of of Davud Pirniya, his name and works were heard neither on the Gulha nor on any other radio program. The collection of his compositions and performances have not been released but they are preserved by his family. One gramophone record containing his solo performances on the violin has been released (Path, Tehran 1930).


Sayyid 'Aliriza Mir'alinaqi