

Iranpur, Parviz (1902-1986)

Pianist, composer, and one of the earliest students (together with Ruhu’llah Khaliqi and Abu’l-Hasan Saba) of the music conservatory directed by Vaziri during the years 1923-1930. He began by performing on the flute, playing both flute and piano in his school orchestra. He won fame during the years 1933-1937 for recording a series of gramophone discs (recorded at the HMV company) of his compositions featuring Ruhangiz, the prominent female vocalist of the school of ‘Ali Naqi Vaziri. Despite their composer’s anonymity (Iranpur abandoned his musical career from early 1940 down to his last days), these compositions, which were melodically powerful, formally strong, and rhythmically diverse, are still regarded as classics of Persian music of the early twentieth century,. Ruhu’llah Khaliqi selected one of his compositions for rearrangement and performance in the Golha orchestra (Gulha-yi rangarang, no. 424). Iranpour is considered as an insightful and sophisticated musician.


Sayyid ‘Ali Riza Mir‘alinaqi