

Tulu’i Araki, Sayyid Fakhr al-Din Hashimi (1803-1949), son of Sayyid Jalal. A poet with the nom de plume Tulu’i. Born in Arak, he studied in his hometown and furthered his studies in Qum. He studied narrational sciences under Hajj Shaykh ‘Abd al-Karim Ha’iri Yazdi, a prominent scholar in Qum. Tulu’i continued his graduate studies under the founder of the Islamic seminary of Qum. Although he returned to Arak in 1929, but he departed for Tehran before long and found employment at the Ministry of Agriculture. He visited his hometown in early 1940 to visit his relatives where he died in May 1949. He had mastery of composing ghazals in which he followed the ‘Iraqi style. His poetry is vigorous and particularly delicate.

Asar-afarinan (4/113); Sukhanwaran-i Nami-yi Mu’asir-i Iran (4/ 2414-1427).