Mansur Nariman


Nariman, Mansur (1935-)

‘Ud instrumentalist and instructor and one of the most prominent ‘ud soloists in the Golha programmes from 1970 to 1978. He began by performing on the tar using his original name, Iskandar Ibrahimi Zanjani and later on turned to performing on the ‘ud, an instrument that he had taught himself. As an ‘ud virtuoso, Nariman gave an independently Persian character to this instrument,  which was emphatically warm in tone which may be contrasted to its normal, harsh Arab sound. This specifically ‘Persian’ tonality which he brought to the playing of the ‘ud brought him fame and renown on the Golha programmes, in which he performed frequently both as a soloist and an accompanist. Nariman authored the first manual of ‘ud playing in Persian music and numerous recordings of his performances have been released in Iran and abroad. He was also active as a performer in the Soloists’ (Taknavazan) Radio programme. His emotional and warm personality, humane character and Sufi-like temperament which eschewed all formality also played a part in the impact and impression that his music had on his listeners. Since 1979 his musical and teaching have expanded. He has been recognized as a veteran maestro of the ‘ud and has continued teaching this instrument to the younger generation. None of Nariman’s students, however, have achieved any recognition. His works include the book (with cassette album) entitled Shiva-yi ‘ud-navazi (Tehran: Surush 2002).