Adib Shirazi


Adib-i Shirazi, Haji Mirza Mustafa, son of Haji Qurban 'Ali Qazwini (b. 1901), a poet whose noms de plume were Darvish and Adib ("Belletrist"). He was born in Shiraz. Having received his preliminary education, he traveled to India, Europe, and Egypt and stayed there for 25 years. Then he returned to Shiraz, though he departed there for Egypt to return to his hometown after a while. Numerous poetical works have survived.

Asar-afarinan (1, 219); Farhang-i Sukhanvaran (52).

Adib-i Shirazi, Muhammad Ja'far (d. 1844), a poet from the nobility of Shiraz. Having received his education, he traveled to India and Europe and served a companion of English emissaries and ministers. He went to Tehran at the behest of Muhammad Shah Qajar, under whose reign printing press was brought to Persia, and was appointed the director of Publications Bureau and remained in this office for a long time. He versified qasidas (odes) and eulogies. 

Asar-afarinan (1, 9); Hadiqat al-Shu'ara' (1, 110-111); Danishmandan va Sukhan-sarayan-i Fars (1, 246-247).


Adib-i Shirazi, Muhammad Husayn (fl. 18th and 19th centuries), a calligrapher and poet whose nom de plume was Adib ("Belletrist"). He was a Sayyid from Shiraz attached to the Dhahabiyya Sufi order. He was more inclined toward versifying ghazals and was well-versed in the Nasta'liq script.

Hadiqat al-Shu'ara' (1, 111-112)


Adib-i Shirazi, Mirza Riza Quli (d. 1911), a calligrapher and poet from Shiraz. He versified pleasantries and was well-versed in the Nasta'liq script. He died in Shiraz and was buried at the Hafiziyya Mausoleum. His calligraphic works include a copy of Khwaja 'Abdullah Ansari's Munajat-nama in a fine hand with an epilogue reading "The poor Riza Quli Adib-i Shirazi wrote it in 1889, may God forgive him his sins"; in a fine, elegant hand with an epilogue reading: "At the royal seat of Isfahan by the poor sinner and servant of God Riza Quli Adib."

Asar-afarinan (1, 219); Danishmandan va Sukhan-sarayan-i Fars (1, 245-246).


Adib-i Shirazi, Mirza Mahmud Mustafawi (d. 1931), a belletrist and calligrapher well-versed in the nasta'liq script. He died in Shiraz. Specimens of his calligraphy include Dabistan al-Fursa; Buhur al-Alhan by Mirza Nasir al-Din Fursat Shirazi, published in Bombay; Kulliyat-i ("Complete Works of) Sa'di, edited by Shurida.

Asar-afarinan (1, 220); Danishmandan va Sukhan-sarayan-i Fars (1, 244-245).