Hakim Shafa’i (Sharaf al-Din Hasan)


Hakim Shafa’i, Hakim Sharaf al-Din Hasan ibn Hakim Mulla Muhammad Husayn (1558-1627), a philosopher, physician, a poet with the nom de plume Shifa’i, who was well-known as Hakim Shifa’i. A distinguished scholar and physician in Isfahan, he was well-respected by the public, the scholars, and the court. Having studied with his father and brother, Hakim Nasira, he practiced medicine in the Nimavurd neighborhood, Isfahan. He also studied theoretical philosophy. His vigorous satirical compositions were proverbial at the time. He was buried in the Cemetery of Shah Mir Hamza, Isfahan. His works include Dida-yi Bidar, dedicated to the Safavid Shah ‘Abbas; Saqinama; Shikar al-Madhaqin; Majma’ al-Bahrayn, composed on the model of Tuhfat al-‘Iraqayn; Namakdan-i Haqiqat; and Divan of poetry, including about 5,000 couplets.

Atashkada-yi Azar (3, 950-954); Asar-afarinan (3, 322); Tarikh-i Adabiyyat dar Iran (4, 171).