Darvish Maqsud


Darwish Maqsud Tabrizi (fl. 16th and 17th centuries), a calligrapher the copying dates of two of his extant works are so remote that one of the two might be fabricated. The two extant works of his include: two illuminated pieces with an exquisite inscription in two dang and a half Thulth hand and also in the Naskhi script and another calligraphic piece in elegant, large, two dang and a half Riqa’ script, bearing the signature note: ‘written at the behest of the distinguished lord, the Safavid Amir Zayn al-Din ‘Ali, may God Almighty grant him peace in both worlds, written by Maqsud al-Tabrizi in the year 1572; an illuminated piece in an inscription in four dang exquisite Thulth, lines in medium, elegant Naskhi, and also in beautiful two dangs and a half Riqa’, with signature note: ‘Written by the poor Darwish Maqsud in the secure land of Fars to serve as a model of calligraphy for Nur al-Din Muhammad in 1686.’

Asar-afarinan (3/ 27); Ahval va Asar-i Khushnivisan (4/ 1067).