

Fayiz Shahristani, Mirza ‘Ala’ al-Din Muhammad (fl. seventeenth century), son of Mirza Rafi’ Sadr al-Mamalik, a poet with the nom de plume Fayiz, hailing from Shahristan, Isfahan. His genealogy traces back to the Safavid dynasty. Born Muhammad Sadiq, he was awarded the title ‘Ala’ al-Din Muhammad by Shah ‘Abbas I (1587-1628). He was given the nom de plume Fayiz by Sa’ib, the poet of Isfahan and Tabriz. He had studied the majority of disciplines, e.g. jurisprudence, theology, and astronomy. He was blinded on the orders of Shah Safi (1628-1642).


Athar-afarinan (4, 261).