Fada’i Lahiji


Fida’i Lahiji, Shaykh Ahmad (d. 1520 or 1569), son of Shaykh Shams al-Din Muhammad, a poet and Sufi master, well-known as Shaykhzada and belonging to the Nurbakhshiyya Order. Born in Shiraz, he received his education in his hometown. Similar to his father, he was a Sufi master of renown. After the fall of the Timurids (1507), he attached himself to the court of the Safavid Shah Isma’il (1501-1523) and was dispatched by the latter as an emissary to the court of the Shaybanid Sultan Muhammad. Finally, he led the life of a recluse in Shiraz where he died. His divan extant.

Tarikh-i Nazm va Nathr (322).