Mukhlis Naraghi


Mukhlis Kashani, Mirza Muhammad (d. 1737), a poet hailing from the village of Naraq with the nom de plume Mukhlis and well-known as Mukhlisa-yi Kashani. I’timad al-Dawla Muhammad Mu’min Khan Shamlu invited him to depart Kashan for Isfahan under the Safavid Shah Sultan Husayn (1693-1722). Mukhlis was patronized by I’timad al-Dawla for a while and associated with Hazin Lahiji (1692-1766). Hazin states, ‘He was a perfectly talented poet composing elegant poetry and keenly interested in associating with poets, but since he is uneducated, he goes to extremes in the employment of amphibology and despite his harmonious diction, his compositions are rather light and crude…’ Mukhlis died in Isfahan and was laid to rest at the ‘Atiq Mosque. His works include his divan of poetry which runs to about 4,000 couplets.

Tarikh-i Adabiyyat dar Iran (5/ 1386-1389).