‏‏Nahid‪ Dai Javad


Nahid (1949-)

Vocalist performing Persian classical singing and popular lyrical ballads. Née Nahid Da’i-javad in Isfahan, she first began to perform in Jahanbakhsh Pazuki’s orchestra accompanied by Hasan Kasa’i and Sirus Saghari. She came to Tehran perform in the Golha after winning a talent competition in Isfahan. Her velvety melancholy voice drew her to the attention of Javad Ma‘rufi, on whose recommendation she performed various compositions written by different composers for the Golha programmes during the years 1966-1972. Her professional occupation during her whole life was as a school teacher. From 1990 onwards, she performed in the artistic circles in Isfahan accompanied by Hasan Kasa’i. Among her many works may be mentioned a gramophone record entitled Mountain Sunset (Ghurub-i kuhistan) (Tehran: Royal 1962)

Sayyid ‘Ali Riza Mir‘alinaqi