Rashid Mustaqim


Mustaqim, Rashid (1942-)

Vocalist performing Persian popular songs and ballads (tarana). Born into a family of musicians, he studied for a while with Adib Khwansari. He made a name for himself by performing the old tune “Charming grace” (Ra‘na) in the Gulha-yi sahra’i programme arranged and with lyrics by ‘Ali Tajvidi and ‘Abdu’llah Bihzadi respectively. He also sang in Barg-i sabz programme no. 66 accompanied by Habibu’llah Badi‘i’s violin, Ahmad Tajbakhsh’s setar and Jahangir Malik’s tumbak. Mustaqim sang in many charitable performances. Since the 1979 revolution, he has not been active in the field of music nor has he released any independent album.

Siyamak Bana’i