Ziya al-Din Sajjadi


Sajjadi, Ziya’ al-Din (1919-1996), son of Hajj Sayyid Mustafa Sarabi. Born in Mashhad, he received his secondary and collegiate education in his hometown and taught at primary and junior high schools. He obtained his BA in Persian literature with honors from the Higher College in 1945. Having received his doctorate in Persian literature from the Faculty of Humanities and Letters, University of Tehran, in 1955, he taught there in the following year. He was acquainted with English, French, and Arabic. He taught at different universities and retired after 23 years of service in 1979. He was on the Writers’ Council of Radio Publications Programs and was a director of literary and religious programs there. In addition to his numerous books, he also contributed literary, historical, and religious articles to different periodicals, like the Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters and Humanities of the University of Tehran. He died of cardiac failure in Tehran at the age of 77 on 24 July 1996 and was buried in Bihisht-i Zahra’ Cemetery. His works include: Insan dar Qur’an-i Karim; annotated edition of Khaqani Shirwani’s Divan; annotated edition of Khaqani Shirwani’s Epistles (Munsha’at); edition of and commentary on Khaqani’s Khatm al-Ghara’ib; Dibachihnigari dar Dah Qarn; Sukhanan-i Guzidih dar barih-yi Firdawsi wa Shahnamih; Sayri dar Andishih wa Shinakht; Sharh-i Ahwal wa Athar-i Ibn ‘Amid; Sharh-i Qasidih-yi Masihiyyat (by Shams al-Din Mahmud Lahiji); Farhang-i Amir Kabir; Farhang-i Lughat wa Ta’birat ba Sharh-i A’lam wa Mushkilat-i Diwan-i Khaqani Shirwani; Karnamih-yi Buzurg-i Iran; Ku-yi Surkhab-i Tabriz wa Maqbarat al-Shu’ara’; Guzidih-yi Ash’ar-i Khaqani; Guzidih-yi Ash’ar-i Sana’i ba Muqaddamih wa Tawzihat; Mabahith-i Lughawi wa Dasturi-yi Farhang-i Lughat-i Qur’an; Muqaddamih’i bar Mabani-yi ‘Irfan wa Tasawwuf; Maktab-i Ustad (discourses on Persian language and literature). The biographical accounts of poets included in Karnamih-yi Buzurgan-i Iran and Farhang-i Amir Kabir have been also written by him.

Gulzar-i Mashahir (162).