

Shahrashub Isfahani, Mahmud Sana’i (1920-1982), known as Shahrashub. A distinguished writer and poet of vigor. Although he made poetical compositions in different forms, but he had mastery of composing the ghazal. His mother was of Afshar Nadiri descent and his ancestors were religious scholars. Born in Isfahan, he was raised in Azerbaijan. He received traditional and modern education. Having composed poetry in his early years, he was a teacher and contributed to periodicals as well. He was a pessimist and always talked about vanity of existence and life, particularly owing to his financial straits. His popermeatedetry is permiated by despair and pessimism. The following couplets are by him:

The bird of thought is fluttering,

Soaring in the air in time,

Above the grave of human hope,

Above the ashes of desires.

Sukhanvaran-i Nami-yi Mu’asir-i Iran (3, 2081-2084).