File Content
(Special offer for phone subscribers!) (2 - 2)
(Tufiq lead article: Concerning the officials of the system's obedience and worship and prayer!) (3 - 3)
(Dedication to the artificial sweetheart (poem)) (7 - 7)
(It's time to snap your fingers (poem)) (9 - 9)
(Everyone is minding their own business) (9 - 9)
(Various types of businessmen (poem)) (12 - 12)
(Well done Jackass! Good job Jackass!) (13 - 13)
(The resignation of one from the Jackass party) (13 - 13)
(The one who breaks his fast! (poem)) (15 - 15)
(Colleagues of Muhammad ‘Ali Clay!) (19 - 19)