File Content
(Tufiq lead article: In the margins of car impoundment!) (3 - 3)
(Declaration of the Department of Highways) (4 - 4)
(Proverbs of the country of roses and driving schools!) (5 - 5)
(It was and it wasn't! (poem)) (7 - 7)
(Everyone is minding their own business) (7 - 7)
(Complaints about women (poem)) (8 - 8)
(Culinary tricks: a good, cheap, nutritious and delicious meal!) (9 - 9)
(Open your heart's eye (poem)) (9 - 9)
(The riddle of Bandar 'Abbas radio!) (11 - 11)
(O Jackass party member (poem)) (12 - 12)
(Giving a ride to the sweethearts (poem)) (12 - 12)
(Important and international action of Quchali) (13 - 13)
(We have brought a pine (poetry)) (15 - 15)