File Content
(Tufiq lead article: Remember the Golden Promises!) (3 - 3)
(Anecdote: The story of one who was waiting to become a member of parliament and went to the house of the Caliph) (5 - 5)
(New Songs: A man without a heater! (poem)) (7 - 7)
(Suggestion to avoid collisions in competitions) (7 - 7)
(Supplications: Supplications of the penniless ) (9 - 9)
(Prices were cheap (poem)) (10 - 10)
(Wool is nothing but a blanket! (poem)) (11 - 11)
(The benefits of having a city council!) (12 - 12)
(What should the city's menace of Zahedan do?) (12 - 12)
(The miracle of Turkish words) (12 - 12)
(Do not give the city's menace of Amol an evil eye!) (12 - 12)
(Jackass Party: The late Dr Salmani) (13 - 13)
(The poetic date of death of Dr Salmani (poem)) (13 - 13)
(Rhythmic Poem: It will be mocked (poem)) (14 - 14)
(Exercises for being a member of parliament) (17 - 17)