Taj Isfahani


Taj Isfahani, Jalal (1900-1981), one of the most outstanding vocalists of Persian classical lyrics on a par with Qamar al-Muluk Waziri, Adib Khansari, Riza Quli Zilli, and Ruhangiz. Having studied under Sayyid ‘Abd al-Rahim Isfahni and other prominent vocalists of the late Qajar period, he was accompanied by the solo instrumentalists and orchestras from the establishment of Radio Tehran and Radio Isfahan. Despite his powerful voice which he maintained to his last days, owing to unknown factors he only performed in some of the earlier Barg-i Sabz and Gulha-yi Jawidan programs. Few of his independent albums are available, e.g. Bih Isfahan Raw, composed by ‘Ali Akbar Shahnazi and the lyrics by Muhammad Taqi Bahar (Malik al-Shu’ara’; Tehran, Awa-yi Nuwin, 2008).