‘Ain‘ali Taymuri and Nad ‘Ali Taymuri Mur Gulistan ‘Usmanvand reigion_11
Avaz ‘Iraq Tasnif-i Muzhda Bih Bulbul Dahid Fasl-i Bahar Amada
Bih Iftikhar-i Vurud-i Vala Hazrat Fawziya Bih Kishvar-i Iran 1-2
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the January 1973 revolution
Qadir ‘Abdu’llah-zadeh and Qalah Mah Rah Shamshal Mukriyan_42
Tasnif-i Abu Ata Sanama Bih Khuda Zi Duriyat Janam Talaf Shud 1-2
Tasnif-i Mahur Bada-yi Surkh-i Kuhan and Zarbi Mahur va Ring
United Nations Prelude to A New Age Program No. 2 Human Rights Day Dec. 10
Ministry of Finance 1972, Tax exemption for providing music to schools
Ministry of Interior 1959, Proclamation against music and cinema
Miss Marziyya the Most Pupluar Iranian Singer Nowruz Los Angeles
One Hundred Songs, Thousands of Memories (Sad Tarana Hizaran Khatirih)
Permission for a concert in Italian, French,Armenian language by Mr Padmigryan and his wife 1938
Request for removal musical radio programs and romantic movies in Mashhad 1953